
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Super Summer 1-Hour Sundays: The Gospel June 10th, 2018 // Jason Souza
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Join us for the Summer Series which will include voices from the C3AK like Diana Williams, Paul Hass, Morgan Stratton and more! Lot's of music and a guaranteed one hour time committment.
Don't forget to join us Thursday evenings for Party in the Park! Details may be changing so, stay tuned!

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
GraceWorks Alaska Park Ministry Conversation with Scott Kirby June 3rd, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Join Pastor Tracy as he talks with GraceWorks Alaska founder Scott Kirby about the organization and the mission for Park Party Ministry with C3AK this summer!
VIDCAST version available here: https://youtu.be/J-PoDpEV2O8

Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
There are all kinds of cute, trite, and even "right-sounding" phrases out there, which people genuinely believe are either A) In the Bible, or B) Things God would agree with. Unfortunately, they aren't either of those things and, often, do more harm than good. When we, or someone else, loses a loved one ir friend to death, it might be best if we avoided some tried, and tired, pseudo Biblical prhases which can do more harm, than good.
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/1tDSvzzl2Lk
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving

Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
There are all kinds of cute, trite, and even "right-sounding" phrases out there, which people genuinely believe are either A) In the Bible, or B) Things God would agree with. Unfortunately, they aren't either of those things and, often, do more harm than good. When we, or someone else, loses a loved one ir friend to death, it might be best if we avoided some tried, and tired, pseudo Biblical prhases which can do more harm, than good.
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/jDy67sEn6z8
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving

Thursday May 03, 2018
God Never Said That: God God Needed Another Angel w/Tracy Simmons April 29th, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
There are all kinds of cute, trite, and even "right-sounding" phrases out there, which people genuinely believe are either A) In the Bible, or B) Things God would agree with. Unfortunately, they aren't either of those things and, often, do more harm than good. When we, or someone else, loses a loved one ir friend to death, it might be best if we avoided some tried, and tired, pseudo Biblical prhases which can do more harm, than good.
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/QF2bjNJSWLw
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving
Text2Give: 84321 (instructions here: https://www.c3ak.com/donate)

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
There are all kinds of cute, trite, and even "right-sounding" phrases out there, which people genuinely believe are either A) In the Bible, or B) Things God would agree with. Unfortunately, they aren't either of those things and, often, do more harm than good. Will God truly not give you "more than you can handle"? here's a clue... every phrase we tackle in this series is nonsense...
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/4fopIm_KBoQ
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving
Text2Give: 84321 (instructions here: https://www.c3ak.com/donate)

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
There are all kinds of cute, trite, and even "right-sounding" phrases out there, which people genuinely believe are either A) In the Bible, or B) Things God would agree with. Unfortunately, they aren't either of those things and, often, do more harm than good. Does God really want you to "be happy"? The word happy shows up in the Bible about 10 times. The word joy shows up about 163 times. Maybe that means something!
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/m2PWQ5cjAnI
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving
Text2Give: 84321 (instructions here: https://www.c3ak.com/donate)

Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Resurrecting You: Easter 2018 w/Tracy Simmons April 1st, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
There's a mind blowing story about resurrection, in the Bible, that happens just days before the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. There's another story right after Jesus' resurrection. They're astonishing, revealing, and incredibly encouraging. More than that, they have so much to do with the promises God makes to us through the Bible about our own lives, deaths, and resurrection! And, most of all, they matter right now. Join with Pastor Tracy for this exciting, first time ever, Easter message.
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/L9TJCrKj7cY
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving
Text2Give: 84321 (instructions here: https://www.c3ak.com/donate)

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
The Absent God: What Kind of King? w/Tracy Simmons March 25th, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Pastor Tracy examines the events of Palm Sunday and the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. It's an incredible story of how even the ones who seem to follow and celebrate Jesus can suddenly find themselves cursing His name. Do we really want God, on His terms... or are we putting limits on Him to get what WE really want? Using stories from the Gospel of John, we'll spend a few weeks thinking about small things, and huge things with everything in between
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/K2JIx1yII8g
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving
Text2Give: 84321 (instructions here: https://www.c3ak.com/donate)

Monday Mar 19, 2018
The Absent God: When Fear Takes Over w/Tracy Simmons March 18th, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Pastor Tracy takes us into the third week of the "Absent God" series with the question "Are you coming to God for God, or are you coming to God for what your heart’s really after, and that’s something else?" Using the story of the feeding of the 5,000, he explores this question in terms of figuring out just how God tried to work in the midst of overwhelming circumstances. Do we really want God, on His terms... or are we putting limits on Him to get what WE really want? Using stories from the Gospel of John, we'll spend a few weeks thinking about small things, and huge things with everything in between
Link to VIDCAST of this message: https://youtu.be/MgOVSVKPifk
Online giving portal: https://c3ak.churchcenter.com/giving
Text2Give: 84321 (instructions here: https://www.c3ak.com/donate)